TMS Therapy

NeuroMind TMS is a leading provider of TMS therapy in Delhi. They offer TMS treatment for Depression, Anxiety, and OCD in Delhi India. Their team of experienced doctors and therapists are dedicated to providing their patients with the best possible care.

TMS therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain. It is a safe and effective treatment for Depression, Anxiety, and OCD. TMS therapy is typically administered in a series of 20-minute sessions, 5 days a week.

NeuroMind TMS has several locations in Delhi India, so you can easily find one that is convenient for you. They also offer flexible scheduling options, so you can fit TMS therapy into your busy schedule. We specialize in providing cutting-edge Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy for a wide range of mental health conditions.

TMS Treatment Benefits By The NeuroMind TMS

Safe and effective: TMS is a safe and effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and OCD. It is often used as a treatment for people who have not responded to other treatments, such as medication or therapy.

Non-invasive: TMS is a non-invasive procedure, which means that it does not require surgery or anesthesia. This makes it a good option for people who are not comfortable with more invasive treatments.

Short treatment time: TMS treatment is typically administered in a series of 20-minute sessions, 5 days a week. This makes it a relatively short-term treatment option.

Few side effects: TMS is generally well-tolerated and has few side effects. The most common side effects are headache, scalp discomfort, and tingling or numbness in the head or face. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own.

Convenient: TMS treatment can be done in an outpatient setting, which means that you do not have to stay in the hospital. This makes it a convenient option for people who have busy schedules.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have submitted a FAQs list that people always ask us

How does TMS therapy work

TMS therapy works by creating a magnetic field that passes through the skull and reaches the brain. This magnetic field causes electrical currents to flow in the brain, which can then stimulate nerve cells. This stimulation can help to improve the activity of the brain and relieve symptoms of mental health conditions.

How much does TMS therapy cost in Delhi?

TMS therapy cost in Delhi varies depending on the clinic or hospital, the type of device used, and the number of treatment sessions. However, TMS therapy is typically covered by insurance.

What are the side effects of TMS therapy?

TMS therapy is generally well-tolerated and has few side effects. The most common side effects are headache, scalp discomfort, and tingling or burning sensation in the head. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own.

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